
The Shadow of Manifesting

Kim Fischer Season 4 Episode 13

When we are manifesting we eventually will run into the shadow and people, things, and moments that make us question whether or not we are doing it right and if the Universe really has our back?

Guys! The Universe isn't ever out to get you. The Universe will only ever reflect back to us what we are. Let's look at the mental reframe that will keep you happy and unstoppable when the shadow appears in your life.

In this episode, I share:

  1. The universe isn’t out to get you, its only ever reflecting back what you show it
    1. Where are you fooling yourself and your not really being all that positive?
    2. Where could you be course correcting you remind more throughout the day?
    3. You manifest what you are not what you want.
  2. The shadow is our mirror… our teacher
    1. Now, instead of hating the shadow or seeing it as bad we start to welcome it
    2. We start to thank it for reminding us where we still need to work on ourselves
  3. There is also a hermetic law of opposites
    1. when you understand this you will start to get excited when shadow moments show up
    2. everything is the same energy... good is bad, light is shadow, happiness is sadness.... so let's stay neutral

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