
Coach Yourself into Your Power

β€’ Kim Fischer β€’ Season 4 β€’ Episode 15

Embark on a transformative exploration of self-love and prioritization with me, as I reveal the extraordinary impact of being your own cheerleader in life's complex dance.

This episode is a heartfelt confessional and guidebook rolled into one, where I confront the shadows of negative self-talk and emerge into the light of abundance thinking.  I'll share my personal struggles and breakthroughs, demonstrating how energy management and empowered decision-making are not just concepts, but daily practices that shape our destinies.  

Dive deep into the sacred practice of discernment as an act of profound self-love. I'll take you through the trenches of my near-meltdown, only to resurface with the power of self-reference and a reaffirmed commitment to our core principles. 

We're not just talking theory; this is real life, and it’s about maintaining your power through the mindful use of your energy. 

Plus, get a glimpse into the Diamond Lab's curriculum, designed to enrich your understanding of how it is to express yourself creatively and courageously inside your business and in this world.

If you're ready to step into your CEO energy and inspire action, consider this your personal invitation to join the Diamond Lab and Diamond Frequency University, and let us support you in becoming the powerhouse you're destined to be.

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Speaker 1:

Hello, friends and family, welcome back. I love you guys so much. Welcome to the Solidified Podcast. If you're watching on YouTube, do me a favor like subscribe. Comment below the video with your biggest takeaway. Comment with any questions that you have.

Speaker 1:

I read every single thing that you write and I read the impact that it makes on your life. I hope you have breakthroughs and I want to hear about them. If you do, today's episode is going to be refreshing for you. It's going to be a gentle and beautiful reminder of the power that can come, the momentum, the velocity that can come from truly honoring and loving yourself. This is such an underrated power move in your business and in your life. Being able to love yourself is the power move of 2024. Being able to simplify the workload that's on your plate, being discerning do I need to work on this, don't I Is the power move for 2024?.

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Discermint is another language of love, because if you know that your energy is precious, if you understand that it's so critical that you take care of and guard your greatness and love yourself, you will say yes to certain things, but those are the things that absolutely matter to you, and you'll say no easily to other things that are not aligned with who you are and how you want to show up for yourself. So let me ask you from the start have you decided how you want to show up for yourself this year? Yes, it's important to have goals, yes, it's important to have strategy, but have you just decided how you're going to be towards yourself this year? Have you given any thought to the type of person, the type of friend, the type of mentor you want to be towards yourself this year? Because that's really what it is. Everyone else can be a mentor and a friend and a lover and a partner to you, but at the end of the day, the one that really matters, the relationship that really counts, is the one you have with yourself. Things can be going so well in your life, in your world, but if you've got a negative mindset, if you've got really negative self-talk, self-hate, going on, you won't get far.

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I had an experience earlier today that will land this topic for you. I was struggling today, truly, and I haven't had a day like this in a while. I felt, from the start of the morning, really empowered. I slept well, I ate well, I haven't been drinking alcohol, I've been exercising. I went to the gym the night before, but then, around nine o'clock, all of a sudden I felt anxious, and I had previously decided that, because of the weather that was taking place today, I wasn't going to be sticking with my original plans, which were to drive to Rochester to be on someone's podcast. Luckily, I was able to be rescheduled for next week.

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But I mentioned that because there was a huge part of me that felt guilt for saying no, and, although I don't totally buy into a scarcity mindset anymore, there was still a part of me that showed up that said, uh-oh, you said no to this. Now, not only are you going to have to do it next week, meaning it's not off your plate, it's something you still have to manage. But could this be that you said no and she might be mad at you, or you said no and now you messed up your chances of success? It's a ridiculous thought, but maybe you felt that way before too, where a no feels like a dead end, it feels like a life sentence. But nothing can be further from the truth. When we think that we have those scarcity based moments, it's really important that you have a strategy and energy practice that allows you to pull back away from that fiery thought and land. In truth, and for me, the truth in that moment was abundance is here, abundance has won. There is no mistake in this moment certainly not for choosing my safety over driving, and it is absolutely fine that something that was supposed to happen today is happening next week. I can make it work with my schedule, it doesn't put me behind. But I actually had to stop and walk myself through that. I actually had to stop and counsel myself, coach myself through that moment in order to come out the other side feeling really relaxed.

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And so the story continues. It helped me for a little bit, but then all of a sudden I was back into scarcity mode, and I know I'm in scarcity mode when I'm rushing through the house. Do you do that? I am like in fast pace. I'm almost running through my house getting laundry done, picking up after my breakfast and cleaning up the house a little Almost seems like such an annoyance in those moments. But I do know that having a clean house and picking up after myself in that moment prevents me from stealing from myself in the future, because we only have two moments to do anything it's now or later. So you're either doing something now, and then you don't have to do it later, or you are consciously deciding or unconsciously deciding to put something off, which means you only have to get to it later. So you're just taking care of it now, or you're stealing from your energy in the future. So I've really been thinking about that a lot lately too. Should I do this now or later, giving myself that empowered decision? And so I decided that no, I was going to pick up after myself now. I was going to start to put some Christmas decorations away now and do laundry now.

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But it all felt like it was robbing me of the most important thing, which was taking care of my business and getting my content done, and I immediately felt behind. And on top of that, I decided I wanted to go to the gym. So I got all the way to the gym, realized I forgot my cell phone and I don't know about you, but I can't work out without music. So I drove back home and then got my cell phone and then started doom scrolling. I mean, guys, what a fucking mess today. And then I decided to do something I never do, which is go on social media and post about it. Well, I was already on social media, but I decided to make a post about how I was like house trapped. I had my coat on, still, I was ready to go dressed for the gym. I just could not get myself back in the car because I was home again and all the things I could be doing for my business were right there in the moment and it was so difficult for me to pull myself away.

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I mentioned this because this is a real entrepreneurial moment. This is a not a high performance moment, but a true performance moment. I speak a lot about true performance now. It feels like the new emergent philosophy that came to me this past October when I first coined that phrase on retreat. So, instead of being in high performance, which is pushed through this overcome, I was really in true performance, which was how do you feel right now and what is truly going on? And let that be okay, let's not make ourselves wrong. So I allowed myself to do that. I made that post, which helped me actually acknowledge the state I was in and I didn't feel alone about it because I had you guys there backing me up and I also was able to validate itself, validate in that moment. But hey, this is actually a pretty chaotic moment and my mind is in quite a spiral. But I still have choice, and that's what you need to do in that moment. It's to allow yourself to somewhat take a bird's eye view back.

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When you feel that way, when you feel overwhelmed and your mind is going a million miles a minute Pause, take that deep breath in, hold it for a couple of seconds, exhale at the mouth, repeat that a couple times, deep breath in through the nose. Hold at the top. Breath retention is super powerful for resetting the mind. Exhaling at the mouth, making sure that your exhale is really long and smooth. And this breath work is what allows us to come back to ourselves, to drop down from the mind into the body, and this simple breath work practice completely altered my day. I was able to reclaim my power, and when I reclaimed my power, whatever else needed to get done didn't seem so urgent.

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Now, guys, this is the whole point of today's podcast. We tend to go through life believing that everything is urgent, and this is terrible for the mind. The mind does not like to think that everything is urgent, because that can create great stress response throughout your body. So instead, what we want to do is we want to reclaim the power ourselves, and that's an energetic shift from in the mind looping through everything you have to do to the point where it's pedestal. Then it seems like such a big deal and if you don't get it done, it's the end of the world.

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When that feeling emerges, like what was happening to me in the story I was just telling you, I had actually pedestaled everything else but me. I was the weakest one in that moment. That's why I felt powerless, that's why the anxiety, that's why the indecision. So, when you feel that yourself, what I want you to do is remember that breathing technique Inhale through the nose, hold for two to three heartbeats, exhale out your mouth nice and slowly. Do that two to three times, and then I want you to remind yourself that you are the principle of power. What does that mean, the principle of power?

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Well, if you've had a chance to hop over to my YouTube channel, I just did five days of a pop-up podcast for the Diamond Frequency, introducing the topic of the Diamond Frequency, introducing the energy, the philosophy, the mindset, and I speak about the five power codes in there. And the five power codes are all designed to get you to neutralize and reclaim your power, and when that happens, it's almost like we sit back and get cozy within ourselves, like we sit in our throne, that throne being your principle of power. It is the place you reference, it is the dogma, if you will. It is the principle, it is the codes of what really matters, and that is you. You are your own point of reference, you are the most powerful one, and when that happens and it's very quick and it isn't hard to do when you reference yourself again, when you sit back within yourself, you immediately become the powerful one again, and now you hold the power, and then from there, everything that needs to get done does not seem as urgent. When things don't seem as urgent, we actually can get back to getting things done that truly matter.

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Going back to the beginning of this podcast discernment Discernment being a key characteristic of someone who truly is loving themselves, because to love yourselves means that you know that your energy is sacred. You know that you are a big deal. You know that you are the prize this is the CEO energy that we're talking about inside of my brand and my business. Right now, those of you that are stepping through the doors are already said yes to the Diamond Lab or the upcoming DFU Diamond Frequency University. This is the world we're going into together. We want to occupy that place inside of us that is knowing we are sacred, we are whole, we are beautiful, we are powerful, and we practice the art of loving ourselves through the display of discernment. This is who I'm here to work with and this is who I'm not. This is who my business serves and this is who she doesn't. These are my terms and conditions. These are when, the hours I'm available. These are the hours I'm not. This discernment, this is what I work on. This is what I don't work on.

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All of this allows us to be in a new type of relationship with ourselves, one that's really based on love, because we know and we feel that our energy is sacred. It doesn't go out to everyone. The woman who is established in her Diamond Frequency, the woman who is established inside of her principle of power, has an overflow amount of energy, but this doesn't mean she gives it to everyone. It's actually the opposite. She generates so much power Through the five power codes, through her own principle of power. She generates so much power, but it's supported through discernment. So she holds her power rather than giving it all out by over committing, for example, saying yes to everything. She now has a direct understanding that saying no to things is what allows her to hold her power, so that when she works with her dream clients, she activates them instantaneously. When she creates her products and services, she activates through the product and services instantaneously, and so there's more potency in everything she does.

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Tell me, this doesn't sound like self love, don't you want to be more potent? What could you do with more potency, more energy, more vitality, more mental sharpness, more truth and love? What could you do if you loved yourself a little bit more? Do you think you'd show up more in your life? Do you think you'd show up more in your business? Do you think you'd show up more in your health and wellness? Would you eat better? Would you get better sleep? Yeah, the part of the way we exercise this self love is through discernment.

Speaker 1:

Now, in my example from today, my meltdown, almost meltdown. I had forgotten that, and so this is a daily practice for me as well. We have to feel ourselves, get pulled out from our principle of power into the sort of tornado of life and all of the fake urgency we feel. But if we catch that, we can then inhale and exhale specific way. I even adjusted my posture, I put my hand on my heart and I was back into the frequency of I want to love myself right now, and that allowed me to be discerning and I took those breaths in and those breaths out and I was very intentional with my energy and I sat back inside of myself, in my principle of power, in my throne, and I became the CEO again, I became the powerful one again, and then from there, discernment is so easy Should I go to the gym or shouldn't I? Should I go and make more content or should I? And the answer that came through was your done, making content, get to the gym. That was the truthful, loving answer, and so the decision was made for me easily.

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So imagine that if you ever find yourself in hesitation or oscillation or a vacillation where you're just like I don't know what to do, or yeah, I do, or I don't, you can't decide. Procrastination as well, any shade of that energy. When you're in that energy, recognize it, as I'm not referencing myself. I believe that the answer is outside of me. I believe that the answer is in that activity. Instead, the answer is within you, and so we reference ourselves again, we come back into our own point of power, our principle of power, and this is the mode of someone who is inside of her diamond frequency.

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Once you're in your diamond frequency, once you're referencing yourself again, we are immediately in this mode of loving us, and discernment is easy. Yes, I will do this. We decide on the drop of time, so we speed up life. Does that make sense? So now, if you're looking for velocity, if you're looking to move faster, if you want to achieve more in your life, well, there's the answer. It's actually speeding up, not time itself, but the time it takes you to make a decision. We decrease the amount of time that you're spent in hesitation. Doesn't that sound amazing?

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So I'm teaching you how to do this inside of the upcoming diamond lab, and the reason I'm mentioning self love is, yes, because I had that sort of hiccup in my energy today and I want to share that real story with you and I hope you can relate to that. But I also want to share with you that the first session, the first lesson inside of the diamond lab is all about the frequency of love, and I guide you through my soul method, as well as my CEO method and meditation and embodiment practice. These meditations the soul meditation and the CEO meditation all allow you to practice the art of expanding, dropping back inside of yourself and anchoring into love. And then from there we move through the second session, the third, the fourth and the fifth sessions. There's five total sessions over two weeks. That's the total time inside the diamond lab, and the diamond labs only offered twice a year.

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So if you are ready to feel your most creative, your most aligned, your most vocal, because we're going to practice being seen and heard in this safe space, and now is the time to join the diamond lab and I invite you in if you're feeling the call.

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I have space for four more women.

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So beneath this video, if you're watching on YouTube or this audio, if you're listening through your podcast, there's going to be a link and click on that link, read a little bit more about the diamond lab, see what it entails, and, if you're feeling the call, I would love to have you join us and let's dive into this very safe, very playful, very creative and loving atmosphere that is the lab.

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And then coming up beyond that in February is the diamond frequency university, six months together, instead of a business and manifesting university, where we truly learn how to occupy your CEO energy and take action from that space. If you're ready to embrace that type of knowledge, if your heart and soul are ready for that level of calibration and knowledge and wisdom, then this is such a juicy and overflow time to join. Above all, I hope that my personal message resonates with you and gives you tools now to pause the chaos, to anchor back into yourself and remember who you are in those falsely chaotic moments, so that you can regain semblance of empowerment. Thank you guys so much for being here. I love you and I'll see you soon.